Road-Trip to Holland

We have today been offered an SGI Origin 2000 super computer by Joost van Baal at the Tilburg University in the Netherlands … Yes, the Netherlands …
Did we turn it down? Does Steve Jobs run Windows Vista on his laptop?
It’ll be a fantastic addition to the museums collection and hopefully we’ll have it online and available to log into at some point in the future.
The SGI Origin 2000 series was launched in 1996. This system has 48 GB RAM and 24 CPU’s running at 200 MHz each. In it’s time, it was probably among the top-500 computers in the world.
So we’re planning a road-trip (and boat-trip) to Holland and Back in a big van … very exciting!
Look at the picture … Isn’t she beautiful?
Posted 30th April 2009 | (0 Comments)