The IT Crowd - Computers for Set Design

Via the computer museum I became involved with supplying computers and 'geeky' items for the set of the thrid series of The IT Crowd. I put together a small van full of equipment, books, posters, magazines and gadgets to be left around the set behind Moss and Roy. You can see it all throughout series 3 - it was a real buzz !
If you look carefully you'll see the Altair 8800, a homebrew wooden ZX81 and 'webby' - a small beanie type bear that Jo-Anne bought for me many years ago from the now defunct Woolworths!
You can even see a Pure Energy 'alien' poster above the door which is extremely visible when they show anyone standing in the doorway of Jen's office.
Myself and Rich went to see the recording of two of the episodes down at Elstree Studios. It was fascinating to see how quickly it was all put together.
There's a story about it and a bunch of pictures of the set at :
You can even see a Pure Energy 'alien' poster above the door which is extremely visible when they show anyone standing in the doorway of Jen's office.
Myself and Rich went to see the recording of two of the episodes down at Elstree Studios. It was fascinating to see how quickly it was all put together.
There's a story about it and a bunch of pictures of the set at :
Posted 23rd November 2008 | (0 Comments)
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